Unique Health Care Professional

I became a client/patient of Corinne Furnari in 2004 after three different doctors had been unable to explain why I was becoming increasingly tired, although I looked like I was in perfect health. By the time I finally walked into Corinne’s office, I felt I had become a walking zombie. She very quickly diagnosed the underlying imbalance, set about correcting it and in the process taught me how to achieve the proper nutritional, exercise and supplement regimen for me, as an individual. She thinks outside the box, is tuned into a wide variety of integrative medicine techniques, does not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to diagnosis or prescriptions, and is adamant that the key to good health is knowledge about one’s body. I learned more from her about my body, health and nutrition than I had in the prior 30 years from all my health care providers combined. I cannot thank her enough for bringing me back to health and for teaching me so much. In addition to reading, writing and arithmetic, schools should teach what Corinne knows about health. I continue to recommend her to both women and men.

Giselle Minoli, New York City

I’m a 39 year old with old (approximately 20 years) injuries to my knees include strains to MCL in both knees, complete ACL tear in right knee with allograft repair, 80% tear in right ACL with surgical tightening, and early stage osteoarthritis with degenerative cartilage pitting in both knees diagnosed through an MRI.

After constant pain and swelling surfaced around the 10 year mark, the prognosis from my Orthopedic was: eventual knee replacement(s) after the joints deteriorate to an extreme point. Suggested protocol was to take prescription-strength ibuprofen for pain and swelling, weight reduction, and to wait until a knee replacement was needed.

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Junk food addiction may be clue to obesity: study

Sun, Mar 28 2010 By JoAnne Allen WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Bingeing on high-calorie foods may be as addictive as cocaine or nicotine, and could cause compulsive eating and obesity, according to a study published on Sunday. The findings in a study of animals cannot be directly applied to human obesity, but may help in understanding … Read more


JAMA 2006;295:1288-1299. EL Ding. Harvard. Boston USA. Cross- sectional studies indicated that testosterone level was significantly lower in men with type 2 diabetes ….Similarly, prospective studies showed that men with higher testosterone levels (range, 449.6-605.2 ng/dL) had a 42% lower risk of type 2 diabetes

Insulin resistance detectable 20 years before diabetes 2 onset

16 Aug 2005 A detectable decline in energy production by mitochondria — the organelles that are the cell’s furnace for energy production — seems to be a key problem leading to insulin resistance, and thus to type 2 diabetes, according to studies by Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers. The research team said that insulin resistance … Read more