Take Charge of Your Health

Co Hosts Corinne Furnari and Carol Petersen bring you cutting edge and up to date health news that you won’t find anywhere else. This information empowers listeners to take charge of their own health.

  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    This week Corinne was speaking with Seth Greiner, physical therapist. The discussion was about the importance of maintaining physical strength. Strength is the foundation of physical function. It underpins our ability to perform everyday tasks, from carrying groceries to getting up from a chair. As we age, we naturally lose strength, which can lead to […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    If you want to live a long, healthy life, there’s one truthyou can’t escape: your body needs to move. Exercise isn’t just about shedding pounds or flexing in the mirror — it’s a scientifically proven weapon against the ravages of aging. From your heart to your brain, regularphysical activity can rewind the clock on many of aging’s harmful effects. […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Discussion:   No one really knows what gets endometriosis started.   The estrogen sensitive and estrogen producing plaques can show up virtually everywhere in the body and cycle with the ovarian cycle creating pain and inflammation.  We discuss the nature of endometriosis and some ideas for solutions and relief.
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Brain fog is a very common complaint that turns out to have many causes.   We start to cover some of the underlying circumstances that affect brain acuity and the distress that it creates in one's life.
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    There are lots of studies around progesterone particularly the surge in production after ovulation and critical for pregnancy.  However men made progesterone too in the testes, adrenal glands, brain, nerve cells, and mast cells. Normal serum levels for men are the same as the follicular phase in women. Sadly, the research in men is paltry […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Discussion:  insulin and glucose dysregulation is pervasive.   High insulin affects other hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and thyroid.   Learn about the interrelationships and the keys to managing insulin.
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Corinne and Carol Take a Look At Insulin Resistance.Insulin resistance is rampant.  There are times at puberty and during pregnancy and during times of famine that high levels of insulin can be needed.  But for most of us, due to the poor quality of our diets and food choices, insulin and glucose become imbalances and […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    There are so many facets of good healthy sleep.  Often that is a primary directive – get more sleep.  What happens when you can't sleep.  We look into some of the reasons.
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Take Charge of Your Health – Corinne and Carol Discuss Resolutions and Habits Discussion:  At the first of the year, many resolve to change or add something to their lives and unfortunately this resolve can often fade within a few months.  Yet, it is the consistency of new habits that can really make huge positive changes.  […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Santa Bob Derezinski joined us to tell us his eye view of the Christmas Holiday Season.  We continue into the many types of exercise modalities and the published benefits from HIT (High Intensity) to slow sustained to lymphatic movement.  Start the new year with movement!
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    We look at the diagnosis of osteoporosis but underlying that we are back to digestion.  Not only do we have to nourish our bodies with good nutrition. we have to ensure that our digestive system is adequate to take in, digest and use the nutrition provided. 
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
      Corinne Explores Improving Circulation Discussion:  Circulation is pretty basic. Today Corinne takes a deep dive into techniques designed to improve circulation and various herbs and nutrients that can improve the circulation of blood to the tiniest of capillaries. 
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Although inspired by holiday overindulgence, this show covers how critical good digestion is to our well being.   We discuss challenges to our digestive tract and techniques and support to better assimilate the food we eat. Holidays can be especially challenging.  This is a replay covering a theme we regularly focus on for the holiday season.
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
     We have had blockbuster presentations by Dr. Ed Lichten, Dr. James Jospeh, Dr. Jeff Baker and Dr. Dale Bredesen – covering hormones particularly testosterone, a chronic fatigue the ended with the use of oxygen, a natural and nutritional answer to migraine headaches and the end of Alzheimer's.   As expected, we had many comments and pearls […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
     Dr. Dale Bredesen dared to publish a book "The End of Alzheimer's"  pointing out that we have looked at this health issue too simplistically.   The causes are multifactoral and most sufferers have  more that one root cause to address.   Dr. Bredesen's book is organized by identifying the problems, helping to define the issue in a […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
      Dr. Lichten has been prodigious in his studies and application of bioidentical hormones.  He focused on testosterone and its relationship with diabetes, for instance  Here we try to share pearls of information Dr. Lichten has organized into 10 points.  Dr. Lichten is a bit difficult to understand as he struggles with health issues but […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Corinne and Carol Explore Chronic Fatigue with Dr. James Joseph Discussion:  Dr. James Joseph joins us to discuss the many facets of chronic fatigue  To illustrate he shares his personal journey.  In his case, he finally found that a vasculitis problem interfered with microcirculation and the ability for his body to use oxygen.   Oxygen became […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Like so many other complex health problems, Dr.Jeff Baker found that women (who were the main sufferers of migraine) had more that one core issue that could be responsible for the migraine pain.  He discovered early that hormones, particularly progesterone had a role to play and then he continued to unravel even more.   For much […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    Sodium Bicarbonate has been in medical use since the 1700's.  Our kidneys product about 1/2 pound per day to help keep the blood stream slightly alkaline.  Bicarbonate deficiencies are real and contribute to minor health problems all the way to cancers, lupus, myastenia gravis, MS, scleroderma.  Dr. Tulio Simoncini pioneered treating cancer tumors with direct […]
  • by Carol Petersen and Corinne Furnari
    There are health issues caused by insufficient methylation to detoxify estrogens, adrenaline and histamine.  However, the body uses up methyl groups to make the peptide creatine when it is deficient.  This is at the cost of other detoxification pathways.  Supplementing creatine might break this cycle.   Low testosterone is a serious issue.  We talk about causes, […]