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Today’s show:
GMO Foods Labeling Law
Corinne Furnari PA CCN,
Wake Up Call
WBAI Radio 99.5fm
Monday 3/28/11 at 6:55 am
This mornings topic is more than a sharing of information – This morning is a call to action.
Specifically I’m going to be asking you the listeners to contact your state assemblymen and state senators to demand that they support the NY legislation soon to be voted on in both houses to require the labeling of Genetically Modified food products.
It might sound absurd to know that while food producers are required to list all the ingredients in their products, there’s *no* requirement to let the consumer know that the products that they are buying have been produced using genetically modified seeds or produce. Lack of labeling blocks all accountability for GMO products!
Somehow, businesses which produce GMOs have created a situation where the consumer and their elected state officials now have to bear the burden of proof demanding disclosure of the presence of GMOs in our foods.
You would think that if the producers of genetically modified foods believe in the superiority of their process, they would proudly advertise its presence.
We’ve all seen the label on quality computers, “intel inside” That is a proud association with a superior technology. Why are GMO producers * hiding-blocking* the knowledge of the presence of their technology from us. WHY?
“Contrary to the PR for genetically modified (GM) foods, that can now be found in up to 70% of processed foods in the US — the process of ‘engineering’ genes from unrelated species into food crops* is far from precise*.”
(Why We Need to Take a Stand on GMO, ANH-Europe website article)
Genetically Modified food represent the biggest uncontrolled experiment ever conducted by humans on humans.
By contrast in Europe, this “new technology of GMO” products is either entirely banned or fully labeled so that the consumer can make an informed choice.
In the US the FDA has refused to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, despite overwhelming American support for mandatory labeling. Consequently, some food companies are now taking action by labeling their products “non-gmo”, which means “made without genetically modified organisms”.
The U. S. may soon be the only industrialized country in the world which does NOT require labeling of genetically engineered food.
Consumption of GM food, poses a very real and serious risks to human health and the environment.
These threats have been ignored by regulators like the pro-GM FDA. These regulators have avoided detailed evaluations of GM safety, regarding it to be unnecessary and claiming GM crops are substantially equivalent to their non-GM cousins. This assumption of safety has been proven false many times over and is contested by a large group of geneticists and molecular biologists around the world.
Time is running short so please contact your local assemblyman and state senator and demand that they support the pending legislation in both houses to require the labeling of genetically modified food products. For details on the respective pending bills in each house see my facebook Corinne Furnari rpa ccn or my web site
ON the site you will also see a link to the alliance for natural health-USA’s, alert page with a direct link to your legislators. Take action now…. it’s about our health and our right to choose.
NYC has been a national leader in consumer protection health issues. Let’s keep that tradition and support our right to know.
Supporting information:
Support Your State’s Bills on Genetically Engineered Foods!
Posted By **ANH-USA** On March 22, 2011
With the federal government showing nothing but love for all things genetically engineered, some states have introduced legislation to inform and protect their citizens from GE products.
There is a round-up (no pun intended) of GE bills nationwide. Only that state’s citizens should send messages about the legislation in question. Click the Action Alert link after each state’s listing to send a message to your state’s lawmakers in support of these bills.
Action Alert for NYS
New York
[3]: Provides for the labeling of food or food products that contain a genetically modified material or that are produced with a genetically modified material.
[4]: Requires all seeds that are or include genetically engineered organisms to be labeled.
[5]: Provides for the labeling of food or food products that contain a genetically modified material or that are produced with a genetically modified material.
[6]: Enacts provisions imposing a five-year moratorium on the planting and growing of genetically modified crops in New York State.
The most complete and accessible compilation of documented health risks of genetically engineered foods has been undertaken by Jeffrey Smith, author of the bestseller “Seeds of Deception” and his latest book “Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered”
- Australia, July 2000, passed legislation requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods.
- The European Union, in September 1998, passed legislation requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods.
- Japan passed legislation to require labeling of genetically engineered foods in April 2000, which went into effect in 2001.
- The Russian government requires labeling of genetically engineered foods as of January 2000.
- Hong Kong has legislation requiring labeling of genetically engineered foods which was overwhelmingly approved by Legislative Council in January
2000. - South Korea has legislation requiring labeling of genetically engineered foods which went into effect in 2001.
- So does Taiwan.